When you use Sunoasis Classifieds:

    PRICE: For individual, sole proprietors
  1. 45 days/1 listing: $25
  2. 6 months/ 1 listing: $100
  3. 1 year/ 1 listing: $200

    PRICE: For business and corporations
  1. 45 days/1 listing: $100
  2. 6 months/ 1 listing: $480
  3. 1 year/ 1 listing: $900

Send your ad and billing information to eide491@earthlink.net

You'll be invoiced at the FAX, mail, or e-mail address you give. If you have PayPal indicate that and you'll be sent a payment request for the amount of time you want the ad to run.

If you have any questions don't hesitate to contact Sunoasis Classifieds at: eide491@earthlink.net or call (925)255-3506

NOTE: You will be invoiced from the time the ad is actually posted. All ads are subject to editing. You'll be notified when the ad is posted at Sunoasis Classifieds. If you want to make changes over the length of the ad there is no charge. Remember:

Your ad will reach thousands of writers and editors from around the US and world.

Thanks/ David Eide
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